rockspace cameras have two types of alarm, siren alarm and flashlight alarm. As ROCK CG6 doesn’t have built-in spotlights, it only offers siren alarm. You can easily enable or disable the alarm on the rockhome app.

Enable/Disable siren alarm on rockhome app

1. Open the rockhome app.

2. On the Home screen, tap Camera Setting rockhome app Camera Settting icon.

3. Tap Audio settings.

Camera setting > Audio settings

4. Turn on Audible Alarm and tap Confim. You can also set the duration and volume of the siren.

 Audio settings > Audible Alarm    confirm to turn on Audible Alarm

When this Audible Alarm is on, the camera will automatically sound an alarm when motion is detected. If you wish to turn it off, tap Audible Alarm again.

You can also tap Audible Alarm siren icon of rockhome app from the Home screen directly to activate the siren if you see any suspicious activity. The siren will last for about 3 seconds.

Enable/Disable flashlight alarm on rockhome app

1. Open the rockhome app.

2. On the Home screen, tap Camera Setting rockhome app Camera Settting icon.

3. Tap Lighting Setting.

Camera setting > Lighting Setting

4. Turn on Flashlight Alarm. When this feature is on, the camera will automatically flash when motion is detected. If you wish to turn it off, tap Flashlight Alarm again.

Lighting Setting

Note: Flashlight Alarm is available on C1 and T1.